Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 3: My Favorite TV Show

Easy peasy. Hands down, my all-time favorite TV show is LOST.

Or at least it was. But of course, now it is no longer on the air, so I suppose I need to pick a different show, something that I currently watch and hate to miss.

There are two shows on right now that I rarely miss an episode of. The first is How I Met Your Mother. It's on CBS. Monday nights at 8. And if you aren't already watching this show, then you should be. If for no other reason than this guy:

“That was the night I was born. I rose like a phoenix from her mentholated bosom and strode into the world, Armani-clad and fully awesome.”
Without Barney, (and Marshall and Lilly too), the show would pretty much suck. I have given up on any hope of actually ever meeting Ted's future wife (a.k.a. "Your Mother") and now tune into the show to keep up with Barney's antics and one-liners.

The other show that I am now obsessed with is Sons of Anarchy. (Tuesday nights at 10 on FX). I will admit that I only started watching this show this season. I had no interest in watching the first or second season. However, now I wish that I had. I happened to catch the first episode this season and I was hooked. Not only are the story-lines intriguing, but the acting is great as well. Oh yeah. And there's this guy:

Can I get a ride?

'Nuff said.

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